4. SynthDefs & Envelopes
16 Jan 2018SC has an optimized way of taking in information about UGens
and their interconnections: SynthDef
s. A SynthDef
tells the server how to generate audio and translates that information to byte code. More specifically, a SynthDef
is the blueprint that defines a particular instance of a playing Synth
. Or, if you prefer, a SynthDef
is a cake recipe and a Synth
is the cake you end up with by following the recipe.
What follows are two versions of the same instrument: one that sustains until receiving an off message and another which has a specific duration.
sustaining synth
SynthDef( \sin, { | amp = 0.0, freq = 440, out = 0, trig = 0 |
var env, sig, finalSig;
env = EnvGen.kr( Env.asr( 0.001, 0.9, 0.001 ), trig, doneAction: 0 );
sig = SinOsc.ar( freq, 0.0, amp );
finalSig = sig * env * 0.6;
Out.ar( out, Pan2.ar(finalSig) );
x = Synth( \sin, [ \freq, 400, \amp, 0.5]);
x.set(\trig, 1);
x.set(\trig, 0 );
Here we define a SynthDef
named \sin
with a sustaining
envelope, or an envelope that plays continuously until receiving an off message. Variables are used to organize the code into chunks: env
, short for envelope, is the portion of our code that allows us to toggle the sound on and off; sig
, short for signal, is the portion of our code that defines what the sound is. Multiplying the env
by the sig
is what results in the "on/off" functionality above and occurs in the finalSig
The resulting signal is written to a Bus
(in this case, our speakers) in the Out.ar
line, which also converts our Mono
signal to Stereo
. We will revisit this line in the future so for now don't spend too much time paying attention to it. Note: I reuse the above general structure for all sustaining sounds unless something special/unusual is needed.
To hear the \sin
we need to create and play an instance of it, which we accomplish using Synth
. In order to turn this instance of \sin
off in the future we store it to the variable x
. After running the Synth
line, we can turn the envelope on by setting the \trig
argument to 1
. Later we can turn our synth off by setting \trig
to 0
. Think of these two lines as a metaphorical toggle button for \sin
deterministic synth
SynthDef( \sin, { | amp = 0.0, freq = 440, out = 0, sus = 1, trig = 0 |
var env, sig, finalSig;
env = EnvGen.kr( Env.linen( 0.001, sus, 0.001 ), trig, doneAction: 2 );
sig = SinOsc.ar( freq, 0.0, amp );
finalSig = sig * env * 0.6;
Out.ar( out, Pan2.ar(finalSig) );
Synth( \sin, [ \amp, 0.5, \freq, 400, \trig, 1]);
The primary difference between the sustaining
and deterministic
synth can be seen in their respective env
lines. Here we use a different Env
: .linen
. Take a moment to compare the two Env
and .linen
) by highlighting Env
and looking it up in the the Help <Command+D>
creates Envelopes in a trapezoidal shape. In order to calculate this shape, .linen
needs information regarding the duration, in seconds, of each segment of its shape. One commonly refers to each segment of the shape as attack time
(segment 1), sustain time
(segment 2), and release time
(segment 3). In other words, if we want our Synth
to play for 10 seconds we would want to set each of our segments such that the total time adds up to 10
. In the above Synth we accomplish this by using super tiny numbers for attack
and release
and setting sus
to 10.
The benefit here is that the envelope (and associated Synth
) will clean itself up after it is done
(this is set by doneAction: 2
in the SynthDef
), so we could run the Synth
line repeatedly to create, for example, 5 instances of \sin
each with a total duration of (approximately) 10 seconds. Note: I reuse the above general structure for all deterministic sounds unless something special/unusual is needed.