5. Arguments & Controlling Synths
19 Jan 2018Arguments in Functions
allow one to pass information to a function when the function is evaluated. For example:
f = { arg a, b;
a - b;
In the above function we declare two arguments
, a
and b
. This enables us to pass in two values every time we evaluate the function like so:
Which returns 1. We could run this repeatedly with different values and expect similar results: the first argument will be subtracted by the second one.
There is a syntax shortcut for writing arguments which we can use to rewrite our function above to:
f = { | a, b|
a - b;
So one can declare arguments for a function in one of two manners:
arg nameofargument1, nameofargument2;
| nameofargument1, nameofargument2|
While this may sound esoteric, it's important to understand that many aspects of Supercollider, like arguments
, allow a programmer multiple stylistic options in terms of how he or she writes their code.
Arguments in UGens
There are three strategic opportunities provided by deliberate use of arguments
in SC:
- arguments provide helpful labels to different parts of a
(a kind of memory aid) - arguments set default values for a
(example: every time I run this Synth the volume starts at half its total signal strength [0.5]) - arguments reserve a way to change a particular part of a
once it is running (example: I start mySine
tone playing a frequency of 440Hz but will change it to 200Hz later)
In general I think of arguments
as things I need to control or change in UGens
when I am using them.
Relevant Argument Names
In order to come up with relevant argument
names one often references the Documentation
. Go to the help file for SinOsc
as an example (note: to access the help you select the reserved word and hit Command + D
) and scroll down to the section labeled Class Methods
. It should look like this:
The first argument in SinOsc
is frequency
, the second phase
, and the third mul
(short for multiply
Using this information one can rewrite this:
{ SinOsc.ar(440, 0.0, 0.5) }.play;
to this:
{ | freq = 440, phase = 0.0, amp = 0.5| SinOsc.ar( freq, phase, amp) }.play;
Note: I prefer to use amp
instead of something like mul
or multiply
Controlling Synths
If we store the SinOsc
from above in a variable like x
x = { | freq = 440, phase = 0.0, amp = 0.5| SinOsc.ar( freq, phase, amp) }.play;
we can control it using the .set
method of Synth
x.set(\freq, 200);
One can .set
any argument
declared as part of the function once the Synth is running, and can even make changes to multiple arguments
simultaneously like so:
x.set(\freq, 300, \amp, 0.2 );
To clear the Synth
from the server one can simply .free